Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Wow, what a film! This movie was so rich and packed with bright, detailed scenes that the 3D glasses were almost unnecessary. The producers picked a great story, and the filmmakers did a great job. I loved the humor, the snappy timing of the animation, and how the scenes just kept growing in scale and excitement without losing their heart or sense of pace.
Up and Monsters vs. Aliens were examples of great animated movies that came out this year, and CWACOM took the medium in another great direction. With so many great 3D movies coming out, there's more reason than ever to go out to the movies. Tina and I decided that when this comes to DVD, we'll make sure to have some burgers, pancakes, ice cream, and gummi bears to eat while they're featured on screen (taste-o-vision?).

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